AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

Social Media Academy

Posted by: dfuchs

March 22, 2011

AVI CHAI recently sent a survey to approximately 300 day schools in the NY Metro Area to get a sense of whether and how social  media plays a role in their various communications with varying constituents. More than 30 percent of the schools responded and painted a picture of schools firmly entrenched in the Web  1.0 world. For these schools, websites are generally used as brochures. Few of them have ventured into the Web 2.0 world of social engagement online with students and their families.
Does this sound familiar to you?
The survey results also demonstrated a real interest in building capacity in this area.
So, the Foundation decided to launch a pilot project in the NY area – for 10 high schools – a Social Media Academy. Lisa Colton of Darim Online is the lead trainer and we are pretty excited about the program she and her team have put together. All in all, the Academy will span over a few months with in-person workshops and on-site coaching, plus online webinars.
Our goal: Participating schools will learn a new set of tools to help them achieve their expressed goals of 1) increasing enrollment, 2) increasing two-way communications with key audiences, 3) fundraising and 4) alumni outreach.
What would you be interested in learning about? What would your goals be?
The first academy workshop is being held tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23rd in NYC. We will let you know how it goes.

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