AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.
AVI CHAI is a private foundation endowed by Zalman C. Bernstein that is committed to the perpetuation of the Jewish people, Judaism, and the centrality of the State of Israel to the Jewish people.
Learn About AVI CHAI's Spend-Down
Spend-Down Reports
From the Blog

AVI CHAI’s Camping Work: A Retrospective

On Archiving

Hebrew Language Education: Toward Fulfilling My Dream

Getting to Sustainability: A Case Study of the Jewish New Teacher Project

The Story of How One Organization Succeeded in Retaining Staff

One Foundation’s Journey from Go-It-Alone to Philanthropic Partnership

How Focused Philanthropy Enables Foundation Staff to be Substantive Partners with Grantees

Lessons from a Decade of “Capacity Building”

Toward a Strategic Philanthropic Approach to Field Building

Giving Away Knowledge, Free of Charge

Re-digging the Wells of the Day School Field

“Change is in the Air" – Now, Let’s Make it Last

An Open Book: How AVI CHAI’s Spend Down is Impacting its Work
Video Content

Dr. Jonathan Cannon Toasts AVI CHAI at Prizmah 2019

Remarks by Mem Bernstein at JFN 2019

Remarks by Yossi Prager at Prizmah 2019

Mem Bernstein: “Passing the Baton”

Remarks by Joel Einleger at Ramah Leadership Convening