ISTE Conference: Supporting Ed Tech Leadership

By: Eli Kannai Last month AVI CHAI sponsored 10 Jewish educators at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference in Philadelphia.  I joined the group for this huge 4 day event, which had about 18,000 people in attendance, including over 1100...

Will We Be Builders and Not Just Buyers?

By Sarah Kass Today’s e-Jewish Philanthropy reports JDub is closing up shop despite a 9 year history of innovation and success. The reason?  Financial pressures. The article notes that “among the reasons stated for closing are [an] ‘aging out of the cohort of Jewish...

21st Century Torah

By Sarah Kass In a few weeks time, when we read Parshat Eikev, we will once again be invited to contend with the warning in Devarim Chapter VIII against building big houses and amassing great physical assets, lest we “become haughty and forget God”   and foolishly...

Half-Shabbos in Con“text”

By: Michael S. Berger The Jewish blogosphere and other media have been all abuzz these last two weeks since the New York Jewish Week ran a cover story on the phenomenon called “half Shabbos” – the reality that many Modern Orthodox teens continue to text privately on...
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