An observation on the Ben Gamla Boom

Many Jewish groups, from day schools and foundations to newspapers and listservs, are watching the Hebrew Language Charter School movement closely. Emerging just a few years ago, these schools have garnered both interest and support, especially in the economically...

Do Jewish Day School Students have to be Computer Programmers too?

With a double curriculum of general and Judaic studies, do Jewish day school students need to learn computer programming and robotics too? You might well say: “Programming? Robotics? Great for an after-school activity, but don’t distract them when they’re supposed to...

In Matt’s Own Words

At his funeral on Friday, Matt Fenster’s dream to build support for day schools was posthumously read to the overflowing audience. Family and friends, In my opinion, the single biggest crisis facing the American Jewish population is the unaffordability of Jewish day...

Improving the Jewish World in Life and in Death

When Matt Fenster was diagnosed with leukemia a year and a half ago, the perpetual optimism he displayed in his search for a bone marrow donor was an inspiration to his friends, his family and to the community of Riverdale, NY where Matt and his family lived. That...
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