AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

Piyyut Festival 2011: September 19-22, 2011

Posted by: admin

September 20, 2011

Located in the heart of Jerusalem, BEIT AVI CHAI is a cultural center providing a place  to encourage the many different expressions of Israeli-Jewish society and culture.  It is hosting The Fourth Jerusalem Piyyut Festival, which will be streamed live, at no charge, at http://www.bac.org.il/bac/piut/live.html
A piyyut is a poem intended to be sung at a religious service. For more information about piyyutim be sure to check-out An Invitation to Piyyut where you will find hundreds of piyyutim and thousands of renditions. Piyyutim may date back to biblical times, but today they are providing a way for many Jews to connect to tradition and to each other.
The Piyyut Festival continues to grow in popularity. This poetic musical celebration attracts a diverse crowd, bringing people together. With Rosh Hashana less than two weeks away, the music provides an innovative way to re-connect to Jewish roots.
The festival will have performances of both new arrangements of ancient piyyutim and newly written piyyutim. For anyone lucky enough to be there in person there are concerts, workshops and tours.
For everyone else, be sure to tune in to what promises to be a great experience.

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