AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

Tell Me a Story

Posted by: dfuchs

December 20, 2011

By: Deena Fuchs
Back in March, I wrote a blog post about the power of storytelling and the importance of being able to share the WHY – why do we do what we do? At the foundation there is a growing interest in how stories can and should be used in communications and how they can further the WHY message. We are funding the Jewish Day School Video Academy which has built into it a module not only on the importance of video storytelling for day school communications but also best practices for how to tell those stories.
As a staff we are beginning to learn how to build effective storytelling into our own communications and I will share what we learn. If you have any experience in effective storytelling, please share it here as well. We could truly benefit from your experience and expertise. You see, the truth of the matter is, as a foundation closing in eight years, we need to view our stories as part of our legacy – everyone remembers a really good story long after its author is gone.
In the meantime, I wanted to share a great WHY piece with you.  And, yes, it uses stories to make the inspiring WHY message even more compelling.
Deena K Fuchs is the Director of Strategic Partnerships at The AVI CHAI Foundation

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