by Joel Einleger | Jan 31, 2012
Ramah Wisconsin campers and staff (1951) By: Joel Einleger Much has been written recently about efforts to build and support people networks in the Jewish world, including a recent post here by my colleague Leah Meir. Network building has become sufficiently important...
by LeahMeir | Jan 26, 2012
By: Leah Meir I was reminded of my father when I read a recent New York Times article entitled “Big Study Links Good Teachers to Lasting Gain”. This major study found that good teachers have lasting effects on their students’ lives that go way beyond academics,...
by Deborah Fishman | Jan 24, 2012
By: Deborah Fishman Are you looking for inspiration, but were unable to make it to NAJDS? Or perhaps you’ve returned home from NAJDS and are already missing the energy and excitement that pervaded the conference? Here are some “inspired Jewish ideas”...
by Deborah Fishman | Jan 23, 2012
Among the many decisions involved in raising children, how to educate them is one of the crucial ones. It will influence their growth – intellectually as well as socially and morally. It will also orient them toward a certain set of values, identity, skills, and sense...
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