Day School Decisions: An Interview

In an effort to build conversation and generate ideas around what would make Jewish day school more attractive to non-Orthodox parents, the AVI CHAI and Steinhardt foundations have opened a discussion here on AVI CHAI’s blog where we will be sharing a series of guest...

How Do You Educate My Child To Be a Mensch?

In an effort to build conversation and generate ideas around what would make Jewish day school more attractive to non-Orthodox parents, the AVI CHAI and Steinhardt foundations have opened a discussion here on AVI CHAI’s blog where we will be sharing a series of...

How Do You Educate My Child to be a Mensch?

In an effort to build conversation and generate ideas around what would make Jewish day school more attractive to non-Orthodox parents, the AVI CHAI and Steinhardt foundations have opened a discussion here on AVI CHAI’s blog where we will be sharing a series of...

Moving Beyond the Israel Education and Advocacy Dichotomy

by David Bernstein There is a debate escalating in American Jewish circles between those who favor Israel advocacy and those who favor Israel education for high school and college age Jewish students. For many years, the establishment favored Israel advocacy. It armed...
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