Jewish Experiential Education, Not Just for Fun!

By: Mark S. Young Photo (left): Campers at Camp Young Judaea singing Hatikva before a BBQ. Photo by Foundation for Jewish Camp. “A Hillel Dinner: fun! A youth group or Birthright trip to Israel: way fun! Returning to Jewish sleep away camp: the most fun ever!” Jewish...

Buzz on the Blog: ISTE Insights in Ed Tech

LEFT: Jewish Educators gather in a Birds of the Feather meeting at ISTE The ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference, one of the world’s premier educational technology events, attracts between 15,000- 20,000 attendees each year. For the past...

Better Together

By: Jill Goldenberg Celebrating my 50th (!) birthday recently gave me a great opportunity to do a lot of eating and celebrating – and reflecting. For each of the 50 days before my big day, I kept a journal (OK, it was an excel spreadsheet) where I noted at least...

The Top 5 Community Initiatives to Sustain Day Schools

Cross-posted in eJewishPhilanthropy By: Harry Bloom Much of my time is being spent “in the trenches” helping Jewish day schools develop active strategies to increase their sustainability. Our team is immersed in the intense but satisfying and productive work of...

Write On for Israel: Elie Wiesel Reframes "Us vs. Them"

By: Joshua Fattal On June 11th at the Park Avenue Synagogue, one generation taught and inspired the next as Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel spoke with a panel of seven students and graduates of Write On For Israel, an advocacy through journalism project of The Jewish Week....
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