Hebrew for What?: Hebrew at the Heart of Jewish Day Schools

Cross-posted from eJewishPhilanthropy  By Yossi Prager The AVI CHAI Foundation is delighted to release a new research report by Dr. Alex Pomson and Dr. Jack Wertheimer on the teaching of Hebrew language in Jewish day schools. As a foundation that has devoted...

Providing Opportunities to Speak in Hebrew

Cross-posted from Jeducation World By Hadas Heyman How do I provide more opportunities for my students to speak Hebrew inside and outside the classroom? As a Hebrew language teacher, I’ve always asked myself this question over and over again. My students spend a short...

Approaches to Online/Blended Learning

In 2010, AVI CHAI began supporting projects that focused on blended and online learning.  Our motivation and goal was two-fold: 1) to improve the quality of education by increasing individualized instruction and enabling students to develop skills and ways of thinking...

Reminder: Come to Harvard AOL/LEV!

Application deadline is next Wednesday, March 15 Time is running out to apply to a structured and proven process for enhancing the quality of your school’s Jewish mission sponsored by AVI CHAI. The year-long program includes: A week of professional development at...
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