A Letter from Rabbi Fred Elias: Grateful that Thorns Have Roses

AVI CHAI invests heavily in developing day school leaders, to strengthen their ability to improve the experience of their students. Sometimes that work happens outside the normal school framework, as the case of our guest blogger, Rabbi Fred Elias, middle school...
“Change is in the Air" – Now, Let’s Make it Last

“Change is in the Air" – Now, Let’s Make it Last

This article is cross-posted in eJewishPhilanthropy. By Michael S. Berger and Leah N. Meir For many Jews around the world, the past week has been intense. Rosh Hashana ushered in a period of self-evaluation and, hopefully, triggered an impulse to improve. In...

Rosh HaShana, Back-to-School, and Teacher Super Powers

By: Dr. Susan Kardos As the heat of summer loosens its sticky grip, we naturally turn toward two major events on the calendar: Rosh HaShana and the opening of school. My favorite time of the year. Rosh HaShana is a time, first, for reflection. In our tradition, this...
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