by GalliAizenman | Jul 26, 2018
The AVI CHAI Foundation has been pleased to partner with the Kohelet and Mayberg Foundations during the last year to fund the Ayeka Soulful Education Program in Jewish Day Schools. Ayeka asks: How can the learning of Jewish knowledge become more than the acquisition...
by GalliAizenman | May 7, 2018
The assignment was simple: working in pairs, take a widely circulated ad and instead of using it to sell (fill in the blank with any material good), adapt the ad to create an ad for G-d. The results were powerful: Only after we shared our adaptations did we introduce...
by GalliAizenman | May 7, 2018
The assignment was simple: working in pairs, take a widely circulated ad and instead of using it to sell (fill in the blank with any material good), adapt the ad to create an ad for G-d. The results were powerful: Only after we shared our adaptations did we introduce...
by GalliAizenman | Apr 30, 2015
By: Galli Aizenmann Over the last few years, AVI CHAI has been interested in stimulating the development of online Jewish studies offerings for both middle and high school students at day schools. To that end, we have been funding the work of the Lookstein Virtual...
by GalliAizenman | Jun 21, 2012
By: Galli Aizenman Since 2010, AVI CHAI has been working on developing online and blended learning in Jewish day schools. Our interest in this area is both because we believe in the potential for education innovation which exists with this kind of learning and also...
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