Donor Intent: The Legacy of Zalman Chaim Bernstein

Cross-posted on eJewishPhilanthropy. By Tony Proscio Zalman Chaim Bernstein, entrepreneur, financier, philanthropist, master of research, lover of books, seeker after knowledge, violator of norms, died on January 6, 1999, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in...
Growing Teacher Leaders the RBT Way

Growing Teacher Leaders the RBT Way

By: Amy Wasser We are excited to hear about the progress with Research for Better Teaching (RBT), first reported on here on the AVI CHAI blog. RBT, a professional development organization dedicated to improving classroom teaching and school leadership, is partnering...

Yitro: The Shabbat Experience

In this post and its accompanying photos, Teri McGuire from the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC) reflects on the third seminar of the fourth cohort of the Yitro Leadership Program, which is funded by The AVI CHAI Foundation. The program works with associate and...
What Day Schools and Camps Can Learn from Each Other

What Day Schools and Camps Can Learn from Each Other

This is part three in a three-part blog series from The iCenter for Israel Education, sharing its approach to working closely with day schools and camps to create effective Israel education experiences for learners. By: Dvora Goodman and Aliza Goodman In our previous...
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