by LeahMeir | Nov 6, 2019
Cross-posted here on eJewishPhilanthropy By: Leah Nadich Meir Looking back at the 19 years I’ve worked at AVI CHAI, I am thankful beyond measure that so much of my project oversight intersected so perfectly with my values and priorities. One prime example is my work...
by LeahMeir | Oct 25, 2019
By: Leah Nadich Meir I’m honored and happy to have the chance to wish you – the graduates of Yitro’s 4th cohort – a “Yasher Koach” and send you on to the next step in your learning – because, as you know, Jewish learning is never-ending! AVI CHAI has...
by LeahMeir | Nov 29, 2018
By: Leah Nadich Meir What are your Hanukkah lighting preferences? Beeswax candles? Blue and white? Multicolor? Or do you go with olive oil in glass containers? Regardless of your aesthetic preference, you always start off with one candle, lit by one Shamash. Then you...
by LeahMeir | Jun 5, 2018
AVI CHAI has enthusiastically supported overnight Jewish summer camps because they reflect so well our commitment to Jewish living, learning and peoplehood. As our aspirations state: “Our best hope for attaining this vision of the future is through a focused...
by LeahMeir | May 2, 2018
By: Leah Nadich Meir Now that May is upon us, the countdown to summer – and camp – has begun! Camp leaders know that memorable and meaningful camp experiences don’t just happen; they’re like the vegetables that grow in so many camp gardens. Tending the seedlings with...
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