A Look Back at Nadiv – What Have We Learned for the Future?

This post is cross-posted from eJewishPhilanthropy By Ramie Arian, Leah Nadich Meir, and Steven Green Five years ago, the Nadiv program was launched as an innovative pilot program involving six camp-school partnerships whose primary objective was enhancing and...

Rabbinics Standards & Benchmarks: Collaboration Begins

In an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement, a group of Jewish day school educators, scholars of Rabbinics and education and experienced Jewish educators has begun to collaborate on a compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for the study of Rabbinics in Jewish day...

Teaching & Learning at AVI CHAI

By: Leah N. Meir The AVI CHAI Foundation is committed to Jewish day schools as a vehicle to foster vibrant Jewish engagement in the next generation. To achieve this vision, it is not enough for day schools to simply exist: they need to be excellent, providing a...

What Do Teachers and School Heads Do During Summer Vacation?

By: Leah Nadich Meir We’ve all heard it before (and maybe have said it to ourselves): “Teachers have it great. They work until 3 PM for ten months a year and then get to hang out on the beach all summer!” That may be true of some teachers, but I saw a very different...

Jewish Day Schools Add Social Media To Their Tool Kit

Watch the following captivating short video to learn how See3 Communications, with AVI CHAI’s support, helped Jewish day schools all over the country learn how to be better online communicators. Through participation in social media and video academies, school...
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