Getting Beyond the Survey

By: Dr. Susan Kardos In November, I wrote a piece posted here about the wide chasm that often exists between research and practice.  In that post I promised additional posts related to the broader topic of “evidence informed decision making.” During the first week of...

The Research-Practice Divide in Jewish Education

By: Susan Kardos When I was first hired at AVI CHAI almost ten years ago, it was to facilitate a process to determine the foundation’s 10-year spend down strategy; our doors will close on December 31, 2019.  We engaged our own professionals, board members, and field...

Rosh HaShana, Back-to-School, and Teacher Super Powers

By: Dr. Susan Kardos As the heat of summer loosens its sticky grip, we naturally turn toward two major events on the calendar: Rosh HaShana and the opening of school. My favorite time of the year. Rosh HaShana is a time, first, for reflection. In our tradition, this...

Teachers: A Jewish Day School’s Most Important Resource

By: Dr. Susan Kardos In a recent eJP post, Dr. Erica Brown gracefully laid out an 18-point agenda for Jewish education.  Among the important ideas she put forth was the idea that “We need more great teachers. And we need to celebrate the ones we have.” The research is...
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