Hebrew Language Education: Toward Fulfilling My Dream

Hebrew Language Education: Toward Fulfilling My Dream

Cross-posted here on eJewishPhilanthropy By: Leah Nadich Meir Looking back at the 19 years I’ve worked at AVI CHAI, I am thankful beyond measure that so much of my project oversight intersected so perfectly with my values and priorities. One prime example is my work...

Resources for the New School Year

The school year is now in full swing! Here we present you an alphabetical list with a range of resources from AVI CHAI grantees that Jewish educators, leaders, and your day school as a whole could benefit from. We hope you find them useful and inspirational. Check out...
Learning Hebrew at Ivriyon

Learning Hebrew at Ivriyon

The Ivriyon summer institute prepares day school educators to teach Judaic subjects in Hebrew engagingly and effectively. The four-week, full-time immersion program of the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS)...
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