AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.
Overnight Summer Camps
Overnight Jewish summer camps provide exceptional opportunities for Jewish identity-building: shared Jewish experiences with peers in a unique and immersive camp environment that allows campers and staff to live within a Jewish world 24/7. AVI CHAI seeks to further the field through a three-pronged approach. First, we enable camps to infuse their summer programs with Jewish and Israel education, funding programs that inspire and train camp directors, assistant directors and large numbers of seasonal staff each year. Second, as the Jewish education training options have grown in number and popularity, we have developed initiatives to help camps integrate the efforts of the various staff who work together during the summer on shared education goals. Finally, we work to support the field in its efforts to increase camp enrollment and capacity, and to strengthen the work and the role of the central advocacy agency in the field, the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC).
Programs in this Category
Chizuk: Jewish Programming Directors for JCC Overnight Camps
Cornerstone Fellowship
Gesher Ramah
Innovation Fund for Jewish Impact
Israel @ Camp
Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) – Kadimah Training Program
Kayitz Kef
Lekhu Lakhem: Inspiring and Mentoring Directors
M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education Camp Educators Cohort
Onward Israel Internships for North American Camp Staff
OpenDoor: Welcoming New Campers to the Ramah Family
Reshet Ramah: Strenghening the Ramah Alumni Networks
Specialty Camps Incubator and Accelerator
Yitro Leadership Program
Young Judaea Gap Year Specialty Program for Camp Counselors