AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

Kayitz Kef

Kayitz Kef, a partnership with the Areivim philanthropic collaborative and five other national funders, introduces Hebrew immersion programs at day camps and helps the camps recruit families for the program.  Applying a “proficiency approach” for learning Hebrew, there are significant levels of training required for the camp staff to help their campers achieve the program’s ambitious educational goals.  Kayitz Kef was piloted in the summer of 2013 and has expanded to 13 camps across North America, including nine JCCs, three Ramah day camps, and one synagogue.  Current enrollment across the camps is almost 450.  With some interest in the model now spreading to overnight camps, Areivim may consider a pilot in the future in that environment.
Kayitz Kef

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