iNfuse is a 14-month initiative of The iCenter for Israel Education to support Jewish Day Schools in deepening and aligning Israel learning and engagement throughout the school. This systemic integration enables learners, staff, and parents to build personal, enduring connections to Israel and its people. iNfuse’s goal is for schools to emerge with robust and well-integrated Israel learning opportunities that are aligned with their vision and mission.
Following on an inaugural cohort of six schools, nine additional schools across North America were chosen for the second cohort, funded in part by The AVI CHAI Foundation and through matching funds raised in the schools’ communities. Another 8 schools participating in iNfuse in the 2018-2019 schools year, for a total of 23 Jewish day schools. The iCenter is recruiting another cohort of 8 schools for the 2019-20 school year (schools can also begin planning work in late Spring or Summer 2019 should they desire).
AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.