Israel Education and Advocacy Books bolsters understanding about Israel advocacy issues among students in their final year of high school so they can be better prepared to defend against anti-Israel campaigns on college campuses. In 2018/19, 1,606 seniors and 58 teachers from 28 participating schools received copies of one of the following books: (1) The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz; (2) Judaism, Zionism and the Land of Israel by Rabbi Yotav Eliach; (3) A Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Daniel Gordis; (4) Right to Exist by Yaakov Lozowick or (5) Why I Am a Zionist by Gil Troy. The schools developed assignments for their students around these books, which ranged from quizzes and book reports to mandatory discussion groups.
AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.