The Jewish Virtual Library has been developed and operated by Dr. Mitchell Bard for the past ten years. Described as “the most comprehensive online Jewish encyclopedia in the world, covering everything from anti-Semitism to Zionism,” the site currently contains more than 18,000 articles and 6,000 photographs and maps. The Library has 13 wings: History, Women, The Holocaust, Travel, Israel & The States, Maps, Politics, Biography, Israel, Religion, Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress and Vital Statistics and Reference and attracts 1.3 million visits a month, most of which are to the “Holocaust wing.” AVI CHAI is funding the enhancement of the navigation and searching experience of the Jewish Virtual Library, thus upgrading the site usability and ultimately giving users many more reasons to return to the site time and again.
AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.