AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

Prizmah Operating Grant

Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools is a thriving, passionate, engaged, and committed network of Jewish day schools. Prizmah supports Jewish day schools and communities to tackle the challenges on their path to success.  It serves Jewish day schools across all denominations, helping them grow their reach and impact.  Core to Prizmah’s work—and the success of Jewish day schools, educators, leaders, and students—is the recognition that schools and communities are inherently linked.
Through the implementation of its new strategic plan, Prizmah is making targeted, strategic investments in areas identified by its stakeholders, focused on what they know works to support successful schools and communities: talent, resources, innovation, and networked learning. Its investments are designed to accelerate the virtuous cycle, ensuring it spins as quickly, effectively, and efficiently as possible.  Key areas of Prizmah’s work include deepening talent of teachers and other staff; catalyzing resources; accelerating innovation; and providing opportunities for day schools to network with each other.
Prizmah’s investment areas reinforce one another and offer a holistic and powerful approach to building Jewish community through day schools. The AVI CHAI Foundation supports Prizmah with operating grant funds to build its human resource capacity, raise needed funds, steward lay-leadership, operate programs, innovate and evaluate.
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