On Archiving

On Archiving

This article is cross-posted on eJewishPhilanthropy. By: Yossi Prager As AVI CHAI enters its last month, I am writing another post in our series related to foundation strategy, implementation, culture and sunset. This post focuses on archiving, a topic that...

Donor Intent: The Legacy of Zalman Chaim Bernstein

Cross-posted on eJewishPhilanthropy. By Tony Proscio Zalman Chaim Bernstein, entrepreneur, financier, philanthropist, master of research, lover of books, seeker after knowledge, violator of norms, died on January 6, 1999, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in...

How Do You Think About “Jewish” Giving?

A version of this article was cross-posted on the eJewish Philanthropy Blog and here on the AVI CHAI blog in August 2013. by Yossi Prager When Dan Brown, the wizard behind eJewishPhilanthropy, suggested that I write for the Days of Awe about my view of the many...
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