Last week, ten Jewish day school leaders were sponsored by AVI CHAI to join the Principals’ Center at Harvard University’s summer institute, “Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership.” This program brings together aspiring school leaders from across the country for a professional development opportunity that will help improve their leadership skills – and, as a result, their schools.
In addition to attending the sessions and interacting with the larger group, the Jewish day school leaders sponsored by AVI CHAI met in the evenings. As a cohort, they discussed how to apply their Harvard learning to their day school contexts and how to advance the Judaic mission of their schools. Through intensive conversations about the issues that matter to them most when it comes to their school and how they are leading it, these participants learned about other day school practices, developing supportive relationships which hopefully will continue into the future. This school year, there will be structured follow-up which will include each participant implementing a significant Jewish mission/vision project in their area of domain in their school.
In this video, Jonathan Cannon, the facilitator of the AVI CHAI cohort, speaks about this unique opportunity for day school leaders:
AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.