AVI CHAI concluded its general grant making on December 31, 2019.

LAST DAY to Apply for Harvard Programs This Summer!

Posted by: Deborah Fishman

March 17, 2016

If you are a school leader, you can apply to attend the AVI CHAI Harvard experience launching at The Principals’ Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education this summer. But – apply today! The deadline for applications is tomorrow, Friday, March 18th.
Why should you apply to this program?
You (or someone you know) should apply if you are a day school administrator serious about advancing your school through a significant change project that will enhance your school’s Jewish mission.  The program is designed to stimulate and begin implementing a high impact project in your school. Selected leaders will attend one of two Harvard summer institutes: Advancing the Art of Leadership (AOL), for leaders with 1-5 years of experience, or Leadership: An Evolving Vision (LEV), for leaders with 3+ years of experience.  AVI CHAI-sponsored participants will also benefit from an additional structured program, both at Harvard and throughout the 2016-17 school year, designed to apply the learning to Jewish day schools.
How can participating in this program impact your school?
“It’s a chance to step outside your environment and think with the broader Harvard cohort, and the more specific Jewish day school cohort, all coming from a wide spectrum of backgrounds. It has given me different lenses for how to approach my work. It’s hard to do big-picture visioning during the school year,” said Aileen Goldstein of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville, Maryland.
Mordechai Schwersenski of Torah Academy of Philadelphia explained, “I walked away from every session with something practical. Every workshop could be turned into a year or two years of work at my school. There are real themes I will take back, such as the strategy of teaming, how teams function, and at the end of staff meetings, just taking two minutes to stop and think, just like we did at Harvard.”
You can read additional stories from Jewish day school leaders and how their schools’ Jewish mission was enhanced by their Harvard experience:
Helena Levine, Head of School, Donna Klein Jewish Academy, Boca Raton, FL
Amy Platt, Ph.D., Director of General Studies, Bialik Hebrew Day School, Toronto, Canada
Apply to Harvard today or share this with a colleague!

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