Meet a Day School Leader: Rabbi Mordechai Schwersenski

Meet a Day School Leader: Rabbi Mordechai Schwersenski

Who are the leaders ensuring the Jewish education of our children in day schools across the country? This series features interviews with selected school leaders – including those from Community, Orthodox and Schechter schools from across the US and Canada. We asked...

Truth and Peace: Values in Tension

By: Yossi Prager The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty seeks to protect the freedom of religion for people of all faiths. In the past, AVI CHAI funded the Becket Fund to support a fellow to work on cases that would benefit Jewish day schools and other parochial...

Integrating Visions of Leadership from Harvard and Moses

Last week, 12 experienced Jewish day school leaders attended “Leadership: An Evolving Vision,” a program of The Principals’ Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with sponsorship from The AVI CHAI Foundation and Crown Family Philanthropies (two schools...

Sustainability by the Numbers

This post is cross-posted here on PEJE’s blog. By Amy Katz The following is a text version of the speech Amy Katz, Executive Director of PEJE, delivered at the Recruitment & Retention Academy Summit in Chicago.  In 1997, when a group of visionary...

Why Jewish Engagement, L’Dor Va’Dor?

This post is cross-posted here on eJewishPhilanthropy. By Deborah Fishman Conversations about Jewish engagement (for better or worse, often centered around engagement of the “next generation”) frequently involve a certain degree of hand-wringing about the state of...
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