Meet a Day School Leader: Rabbi Mordechai Schwersenski

Meet a Day School Leader: Rabbi Mordechai Schwersenski

Who are the leaders ensuring the Jewish education of our children in day schools across the country? This series features interviews with selected school leaders – including those from Community, Orthodox and Schechter schools from across the US and Canada. We asked...

What Story Does Your School Tell About Its Jewish Purpose?

This past Monday, Dr. Jack Wertheimer hosted a webinar entitled: “What story does your school tell about its Jewish purpose?” This topic is one of the important themes of the case study series which Dr. Wertheimer directed, “How Schools Enact Their Jewish Missions,”...

Living Judaism in the World: Interview with Harry Pell

This interview is a continuation of a series featuring leaders who participated in AVI CHAI-sponsored professional development opportunities this summer. In this interview, Harry Pell discusses the Jewish mission of the Solomon Schechter School of Westchester, where...
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